

Ort: Bonn

Im Vorfeld der UN-Klimaverhandlungen (COP23) findet vom 2. - 4. November 2017 in Bonn die 13. "Jugend-Klimakonferenz" (COY13) - u.a. mit Beiträgen der DGVN - statt.

Vom 2. - 4. November 2017 findet in Bonn die 13. "Jugend-Klimakonferenz" (Conference of the Youth, COY) statt. Sie ist den UN-Klimaverhandlungen (COP23), die vom 6. - 17. November 2017 in Bonn stattfinden, vorgeschaltet.

Die COY13 wird von jungen Freiwilligen organisiert und richtet sich an junge Klimaaktivistinnen und Klimaaktivisten sowie Interessierte. Sie zielt darauf ab, junge Menschen im Hinblick auf Klimagerechtigkeit, Klimapolitik und Nachhaltigkeit durch ein mehrsprachiges Programm, bestehend aus methodischen und inhaltlichen Beiträge, zu fördern.

Die DGVN unterstützt die COY13 mit folgenden englischsprachigen Workshops und Programmbeiträgen. Weitere Informationen zur Konferenz und den Möglichkeiten, an dieser teilzunehmen, finden sich auf der Webseite der COY13. Eine Teilnahme ohne Anmeldung für die Konferenz ist leider nicht möglich.

Die DGVN plant, die eigenen Workshops (mit Ausnahme der Simulation) auf der DGVN-Facebook-Seite live zu streamen. Wenn sie weitere Informationen zu den Workshops wünschen, können Sie sich gerne an die jeweiligen Kontaktpersonen wenden.


Introduction to Fiji and Fiji's activities at the United Nations

When: Thursday, 2 November 2017 | 1.30pm - 3pm
Host: United Nations Association of Germany, Pazifik-Netzwerk

COP23 is chaired by the Pacific Islands state Fiji. This workshop provides an introduction to the host country of COP23, including Fiji’s history, politics, relations to its neigbour countries and other activities at the United Nations, e.g. its co-presidency of the UN Ocean Conference in June 2017. What are Fiji’s motivations to chair COP23? Can the country’s leadership be regarded as a moral voice? And what role can small states play in international affairs?

Contact Person: Oliver Hasenkamp


A Womens' Call for Climate Justice

When: Thursday, 2 November 2017 | 5.15pm - 6.45pm
Host: Working Group on Gender Equality of the United Nations Association of Germany, UN Women National Committee Germany

Our workshop we will cover the subject's most pressing questions: Why are people differently affected by climate change and why is this important (risks/burdens)? How can including local female knowledge lead to a more sustainable resource management (responsiveness to citizen's needs)? How can girls, women, and their allies express their concerns and deliver their demands for meaningful and just action on climate change at every level and in different arenas – local, regional, national and at the level of the UN?

We want to work on those questions in a participatory roundtable discussion for which we invited the following experts:

  • Bettina Metz (Managing Director of UN Women National Committee Germany)
  • Gabriele Köhler (UNRISD Senior Research Associate)
  • Hannah Birkenkötter (Law Studies Research Associate at Humboldt University Berlin)
  • Hanna Gunnarsson (Junior Gender Expert at WECF)

Contact Person: Inga Christina Müller


Simulation of a UN Climate Change Conference

When: Friday, 3 November 2017 | 9am - 12.30pm
Host: United Nations Association of Germany

Through the project "UN im Klassenzimmer" ("UN in the classroom"), volunteer teachers, trained by the DGVN, carry out interactive simulations to the United Nations at schools in Germany. This workshop will hold an interactive planning game for the UN Climate Conference. Under the guidance of our team, the participants take on the role of different states and thus gain a negotiating experience.

Contact Person: Oliver Hasenkamp


Insights into the UN and Climate Change

When: Friday, 3 November 2017 | 5.15pm - 6.45pm
Host: United Nations Association of Germany

Because of its comprehensive membership the United Nations are the legitimate global organization to adress climate change. This workshop aims to provide a biref introduction to the UN system and to explore on the basis of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) the role of climate change within the overall UN system and its institutions (e.g. UNDP, UNEP). With a particular focus on UNFCCC, Nicole Wilke, Chief Negotiator of the Federal Republic of Germany at the UN’s Climate negotiations, will provide insights into the UN’s climate conferences in the end of this workshop.

Contact Person: Oliver Hasenkamp