Islands in a Global Ocean of Challenges: Navigating towards a Resilient and Sustainable Future for Small Island Developing States

39 countries belong to the group of so-called Small Island Developing States (SIDS) – that is around one fifth of the United Nations membership. While there are huge differences between individual SIDS, they all face particular challenges for their sustainable development and prosperity, including their vulnerability to climate change and natural disasters, remoteness and long transport routes, limited natural resources and reliance on external markets. In short, they are a special case for sustainable development. However, SIDS are also increasingly important players within the United Nations and are becoming more and more involved in international cooperation. Due to the large maritime zones of some island states, they are increasingly referring to themselves as Large Ocean States rather than Small Island Developing States.
What strategies do SIDS have to deal with the particular challenges they face? How can they make progress in realizing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) despite the effects of climate change? What support do they need from countries like Germany and what can we learn from them?
In the run-up to the Fourth International Conference on Small Island Developing States (SIDS4), which will take place from 27 to 30 May 2024 in the Caribbean island state of Antigua & Barbuda, we would like to discuss these and other questions at a hybrid event with high-ranking representatives of island states and from German politics as well as with experts.
The event is organized in cooperation with the embassies of New Zealand and the Maldives in Germany. The Permanent Representatives of New Zealand and the Maldives to the United Nations were elected as Co-Chairs to the Preparatory Committee for SIDS4. The Maldives, which itself is a SIDS, has been a leading advocate for SIDS issues and challenges in the multilateral arena. New Zealand has also long been committed to the interests of SIDS due to its own identity as an island state.
PROGRAMME (Download in PDF format)
The event will be held in English. Some contributions to the event will be in German (see programme for details).
Welcome Statements |
Keynote on SIDS4 Conference |
Keynote on German-SIDS Cooperation |
Interview |
Panel Discussion |
Reception | with New Zealand Wine sponsored by the New Zealand Embassy |
Please use this form to register for the event.
United Nations Association of Germany
Embassy of New Zealand in Germany
Embassy of the Maldives in Germany
Venue in Berlin:
Landesvertretung Bremen
Hiroshimastraße 24
10785 Berlin
Online Participation via Zoom:
please register to receive the Zoom link ahead of the event
Oliver Hasenkamp (