Freiwillige für UN-Klimakonferenz in Bonn gesucht

Das UN-Freiwilligenprogramm (UNV) und das UN-Klimasekretariat (UNFCCC) suchen 650 Freiwillige, die bei der logistischen Vorbereitung und Durchführung der COP23-Klimaverhandlungen in Bonn vom 6. - 17. November 2017 helfen. Bewerben kann man sich ab dem 18. September 2017. Weitere Informationen finden sie unter Den originalen, englischsprachigen Aufruf finden Sie außerdem anbei.
Die DGVN unterstützt den Aufruf und wird selbst mit einem DGVN-Jugendteam während der Konferenz vor Ort sein. Wir freuen uns, wenn Sie den Aufruf des UN-Klimasekretariats und UN-Freiwilligenprogramms mit möglicherweise interessierten Personen teilen oder die Konferenz selbst als Freiwillige oder als Freiwilliger unterstützen möchten - und somit einen Beitrag zum Gelingen dieser wichtigen UN-Konferenz leisten.
Volunteering for the UN Climate Change Conference (COP 23) in November 2017, Germany
The contribution of volunteers — through hard work and advocacy efforts — sustains the positive tone for this international effort to protect our global environment. Approximately 20,000 delegates from around the world, representing governments, civil society, the private sector, inter-governmental bodies and other non-Party stakeholders will gather in Bonn for the COP to advance the aims and ambitions of the Paris Agreement and achieve progress on its implementation guidelines.
Interested in helping to save the planet? United Nations Volunteers (UNV), in collaboration with the secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, the Kyoto Protocol and the Paris Agreement (UNFCCC), is accepting applications for volunteers to play a key role in the organisation and facilitation of the 2017 UN Climate Change Conference, COP 23, which will take place 6-17 November in Bonn, Germany. Additional information regarding the Conference can be found on the UNFCCC website.
For COP 23, UN Volunteers will be recruiting more than 650 volunteers to support a wide range of operational tasks throughout the event. Activities range from working with the City of Bonn to guiding visitors (e.g. hotel receptions, guidance to the venue, ‘Ask Me’ personnel), to supporting the conference within both venues (Bula and Bonn zones) as side events and exhibits assistants or registration desk support, working on sustainability and greening projects, as ushers, room assistants, note-takers, or ICT and information desk clerks, just to name a few.
Additionally, beyond the event, volunteers are encouraged to become sustainability ambassadors in their communities. They will have access to ideas and resources that will enable them to launch sustainable development initiatives in and around Bonn that will have a lasting impact for years to come. Seed funding will allow volunteers to contribute to the creation of a positive legacy of COP 23 by setting up community gardens or recycling projects, for example, or any number of other local activities. We believe the COP will inspire creative ideas that are relevant to your own communities.
Volunteers will take part in targeted trainings designed to provide an understanding of the issues surrounding climate change, through discussions on “Transforming our World: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development” and the Paris Agreement, as well as information about the vision and mandate for COP 23. Task-specific training will also be organised to empower volunteers to successfully carry out their work at the event. Representatives from UNFCCC, UNV, the Federal Foreign Office (AA), the Federal Ministry of the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMUB), the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the City of Bonn, and other key contributors will participate as speakers throughout the training sessions.
What we are looking for:
Age: Candidates should be at least 18 years of age.
Educational background: Candidates with an academic or professional background related to sustainable development, international relations, law, business or public administration, environmental studies, social sciences or other specialised fields are especially encouraged to apply.
Language skills: Working knowledge of English is required. Working knowledge of another official United Nations language is an advantage. Working knowledge of German is an asset.
Professional knowledge and job-related skills: Candidates should have a demonstrated ability to work well as part of a team. They should also demonstrate tact and good judgement. Previous volunteering experience is an asset.
Most importantly, candidates should be highly motivated and eager to contribute to climate action!
Special efforts will be made to ensure the inclusion of vulnerable groups, including refugees, people from least developed countries and small island developing States, and persons with disabilities. Preference will be given to those available for all event dates. However, applications will also be accepted from those with limited availability.
Please note that visa assistance (including letters of support) will not be provided. Volunteers must ensure their own legal status in-country. Furthermore, volunteers must secure their own travel and accommodation, and cover all living expenses.
Registration will open on Monday, 18 September 2017. For the latest information about the call for volunteers, please visit the UNV and UNFCCC websites.