The flagship publication of UNA-Germany (DGVN) is the bimonthly academic journal VEREINTE NATIONEN - German Review on the United Nations, which is the only German-language periodical devoted exclusively to UN affairs.
Eine-Welt-Presse (One-World-Press): a topical newspaper on current questions concerning the relationship between the global north and south and aspects of multilateral development policy.
UN-Basis-Informationen (UN Basic Information): an essential and concise compilation of the most important facts on UN organs and specialized agencies in addition to current UN topics and activities. These various issues are being updated on a regular basis.
Blaue Reihe (Blue Series): this series provides studies and discussion texts concerning UN relevant topics, important UN documents and conference documentations which are currently being published in small numbers.
Bericht über die menschliche Entwicklung (Human Development Report): an annual report on global economic and social development. The German version is published by UNA-Germany on behalf of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). Additionally, an illustrated summary of the annual report can be ordered free-of-charge. It is suitable for classes within the political education sector.