
The Impossible, our Wishes and the Dreams

A Poem

UN Photo/Manuel Elías

It is the Impossible, our Wishes and the Dreams
at the same time as it fails and nothing is what it seems
But the United Nations has been able to bend history’s arc
towards dialogue, diplomacy and really made a mark

The faces of its leaders have been of honorable men
now that is changing slowly and we look forward to when
women, peace and security is more than 1325
when equality is something including all alive

The nation states are still in power: they either do or don’t
what General Assembly and Security Council decide and want
Reforms are under way, the veto will go last
When the Five who enjoy it will realise it belongs to the past

The songs of UN men and women who helped and fought and died
are not so often sung but what if we tried...?
In Unicef-vests and in helmets blue  they have helped both me and you
Because your destiny is also mine
When peace, development and human rights rhyme together  - all is fine.

Margot Wallström war Außenministerin Schwedens und UN-Sonderbeauftragte zu sexueller Gewalt in Konflikten.

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